10 Weeks PHP Code Camp

Programmer Why PHP? You may ask. Well, according to W3Techs' data, PHP is used by 78.9% of all websites with a known server-side programming language. So almost 8 out of every 10 websites that you visit on the Internet are using PHP in some way. That means there is plenty of work to do. By taking this course in PHP, you'll be immediately able to work with and customize these websites. Software built with php include Facebook, Baidu, Wordpress, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Canva and many more really popular platforms.
Take Entry test

Special Option: Reserve a Seat Now for N10,000!

A reservation ensures that you are one of our starting students. This covers the first two weeks classes, which are Linux Terminal and HTML, CSS, BootStrap. If you pass the test, this upfront payment is discounted from your fees.
How is the reservation special? This is the only way you get multiple chances to retake the test, within the first 2 weeks of training. However, if you failed the original test, you don't get any rebates even if you eventually pass the test on subsequent attempts, you pay the same fees as everyone else.

Reserve a Seat (N10,000)
10 Weeks Topics
Week 1 Linux and Neovim
Week 2 HTML, CSS and Bootsrap
Week 3 Cloud Computing
Week 5 Git and Github
Week 6 MySQL
Week 7 PHP Data Types and Loops
Week 8 PHP Classes and Objects
Week 9 DB Integration
Week 10 Projects

A brief introduction of the topics that will be covered during the training.

  • Termux and The Linux command prompt
    • The terminal is usually an intimidating interface for people coming from Windows, but as a developer, you should feel completely at home writing commands on a black screen. This course seeks to demystify the Linux command prompt and introduce you to basic linux commands like cd, ls, mkdir, rm, pwd, ln, cp, mv and touch
  • Cloud Computing
    • The most recent technology is the method of storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead on your local computer hard drive. This is what is called cloud computing. The term 'cloud' is used to refer to the internet.
  • Commandline editor - Neovim
    • There are many editors and development IDEs, however on Linux terminal, there is no more robust editor than Vim and it’s more modern fork - NeoVim.
      It’s a bit of a learning curve, but mastery of NeoVim gifts you with a swiss army knife tool you can call up on any Linux terminal. Plus the bragging rights!
  • Git & Github
    • Version control Systems are part of a modern developer’s tool.
      Git ( the most popular VCS amongst developers ) is a primarily command line based version control system, that enables you keep track of changes you made to your code and helps you easily revert to previous states.
      Github.com is a remote git hosting tool that allows you keep a copy of your git history on the Internet and facilitates multi-developer commits to one central repository.
  • Terminal MySQL
    • MySQL is the most popular database server for web applications. Learn how to setup databases and manipulate tables on your Linux Commandline
      Many developers only interaction with MySQL is via the graphic utility called PHPMyAdmin, however, cloud servers do not come preinstalled with PHPMyAdmin, without terminal knowledge of MySQL, you cannot manage your database server on the cloud.

Online Classes

  • Duration: 10 Weeks
  • Days: Monday to Friday(1 Hour Daily)

To Qualify for the class, you first have to take and pass an entry assessment test

Students in our UniLag Code Class get free Git and Google Cloud Console classes

If you pass the test you get an additional 20% discount on the course or 2 weeks free training on Terminal based Git and Gcloud management commands

Benefits of the Course

You will no longer be terrified of the black screen of the Linux terminal
Learn how to manipulate files and directories within Linux on Mobile, Desktop, and Server
Connect into and work in your Cloud Server through SSH and SFTP
Learn how to use command line editors for web application development, giving you the skills to work in most computers you login to, physically or remotely
Master how to develop web applications with your Smartphone - using Termux, NEOVim, and mobile browsers
Use git and github as version control system and remote repo to manage updates on your web application

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